300 mg of natural caffeine-as well as game-changers the other guys haven't heard of: Dynamine &Teacrine for long-lasting energy.* A. GPC & Huperzine-A to boost your brain.* And of course, Beta-Alanine to tell your body it's time to work... or party... ...or whatever.* You decide.
We aren't them.
We didn't start with soda. We've never dumped caffeine into something and tried passing it off as an "energy" drink. Because we know energy. Not just the kind of energy you get from caffeine - we're talking REAL and LONG-TERM Power.
We come from sports nutrition.
We helped athletes achieve their fitness goals. Now we're here to help you, whoever you are: The entrepreneur with a sales pitch to dominate. The college kid with a mid-term to ace. The gamer with competition to smash. And even you: The stim-junkie who just won't crash.