Good vibes and bubbles.
You know that moment when you’re in the flow, the stars are aligned and you just feel alive? That natural feel-good state is not supposed to be only a rare moment in time. This is what happens when two friends go beyond casually philosophizing and start chasing their dreams.
In 2019, it’s like we felt that the world was going to need a lot of good energy.
This has been a journey full of ups and downs mentally, physically and spiritually but eventually, we got to see the light at the end of the tunnel. And in the spotlight, there was this drink we dreamed of. Full of good vibes and bubbles.
It’s for you to be your best self.
A drink to elevate your spirit and eliminate your limits.
forever young
Oh, what an span iconic phrase. Iconic but also kinda ironic, meaning that even this cliche is getting old. But hey, here’s a better combination of words: Whatever Young. We can’t stay young forever but we can feel young like whatever. When we take good care of ourselves, we can feel (and look!) young for a pretty long long time. We’re talking glowing skin, strong bones, thick hair, healthy joints and feeling awesome in our own bodies.
What’s the secret? - you might ask. Sure, a positive mindset is very important, but there’s an essential natural component that works its magic. It’s called COLLAGEN. It’s responsible for holding your cells together. You can’t be ‘forever young’ (unless you're a vampire sucking on GEN Z blood) but you can prolong your youth by sipping on CollaGEN VIBE.